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Presenting the Finalists for Borneo Ethnic Pageant 2013
Presenting the Finalists for Borneo Ethnic Pageant 2013
Mr. Sarawak Ethnic | Miss Sabah Ethnic | Mr. Sabah Ethnic
The Venue: Amphitheater Kompleks Kraf, Jln Conlay
The Venue: Amphitheater Kompleks Kraf, Jln Conlay
Presenting our 2013 Audition Lineup
Borneo Hornbill Festival continues for the Fifth Year with major changes! Beginning 2013, the titles for BHF13 will be Miss Ethnic Sarawak, Miss Ethnic Sabah, Mr. Ethnic Sarawak and Mr. Ethnic Sabah.
However, the module will take after previous years' categories namely,
- Miss Ethnic Sarawak, Iban (Kumang)
- Miss Ethnic Sarawak, Bidayuh (Dayung Pimaguh)
- Miss Ethnic Sarawak, Orang Ulu (Keligit)
- Mr. Ethnic Sarawak, Keling
- Miss Ethnic Sabah
- Mr. Ethnic Sabah
It is our hope that the new titles will help Borneo Hornbill Festival's Ethnic Pageant establish itself on the national and international stage. Our aspiration and goal is to carry Borneo Culture and Heritage well beyond the borders of Borneo and earn international recognition for the beautiful tradition we guard and uphold with pride.
Our participants are screened across Malaysia, with auditions conducted in Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya to provide equal opportunities for Sarawakians living in various parts of the country.
One of the important criteria in this pageant is the knowledge of one's culture and heritage. We will conduct our audition with focus on Cultural Tourism; Borneo's Perspective and Local Scenes. We hope they would take it upon themselves to learn the significance of culture and heritage in the tourism industry and identify the existence of cultural tourism in their respective origin/village or local community. They may also be inspired to offer ideas to help create a local cultural tourism scene where there is none; perhaps be part of it as well. When it comes to knowledge acquisition, the possibilities are endless.
Beginning 2013, one additional criteria is applied to the requirements of each hopefuls. To earn the mandatory points in the audition, they are required to answer a question regarding Wildlife and Nature Conservation. We believe that awareness must be instilled in our young generation; the stage when they have so much energy, enthusiasm and ideas. In order to perform in the audition, they would have to do considerable research on wildlife and nature conservation and this helps to create and build the awareness in them. It is our hope that the knowledge they have gained would ignite the spirit of conservation & activism among some of them, if not all.
The prizes for the winners range from Cash, Flight Tickets, Time Based Investment Schemes and trophies. However, we believe that the most valuable prize each participant brings home would be the experience in joining the competition, the friendship they've developed and the new appreciation towards their own culture and heritage. This new found passion remains with them as they return to their respective locations, inspiring the people around them to pursue the same qualities.
And this year, we're giving something back to nature.