2. Sarawakian male ( not married / bachelor ) and has pleasant personality.
3. Age BETWEEN 18 AND 35 years old. No restriction on height.
4. Open to all DAYAK ethnics in Sarawak.
5. Knowledge of ethnic (Costume, Arts & Culture) represented is a must for every participating Mr Sarawak Ethnic Pageant.
6. All participants are allowed to bring only one manager / personal assistant during Semi Final in KL.
7. The Organizer has the right to publish all photo submitted in FACEBOOK/WEBSITE for public viewing.
8. The organizer shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items or belongings to participants throughout the whole duration of the event.
9. The Organizer requires every participant to be responsible for their own health, safety and environment (HSE) throughout the competition.
10. All cost pertaining to the participation of this event in Kuala Lumpur, including transportation, logistics, accommodation, meals, personal assistance, costumes owned or rental and make up shall be borne by the participants themselves.
11. Traditional costume will not be provided by the organizer.
12. Mr Sarawak Ethnic must wear his own ethnic's traditional costume.
13. The Organizer reserves the right to amend any term and conditions as they deem suitable.
14. Registration fee RM40 (with BHF T-Shirt) apply.
*To observe Malaysia's religious sensitivity,
Borneo Ethnic Pageant 2018 is open to non-Muslim Borneo Natives only.