Get ready for London!
Borneo Ethnic Pageant 2016 enters it's finals stage in London where 10 London Qualifiers are all set for a grand showcase of culture, beauty and brawn.
The Venue: Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street, London
Date: 4th December 2016
Time: 1 PM
Entrance is Free.
12.45 pm : Arrival of guests
~Borneo Traditional Costume Parade~
~Borneo Rice Wine Demo~
~Chicken in Bamboo Demo~
~Pageant Talent Session~
~Light Refreshment featuring Borneo food~
~Grand Prize & Crowning Ceremony~
4.00 pm : END
Completed proceedings:
Borneo Hornbill Festival 2016
Date: 12 May -15 May 2016
Venue: Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, MATIC Jalan Ampang, KL
Grand Final: 10 December 2016, London
Program Brief:
Thursday, 12 May 2016
- 10am till 8pm - Closed Door Evaluation / Indoor Judging
Friday, 13 May 2016
- 10am - Rehearsal
- 7pm - Gala Night
Saturday, 14 May 2016
- 10.00am - Ethnic Dance Rehearsal,
- 4.30pm - Preliminary - (Round 1), Miss & Mr. Borneo Ethnic
*Top 3 of female (Miss) category goes to Semi Final on Sunday
*Top 4 of male (Mister) category goes to Semi Final on Sunday
Sunday, 5 May 2016
- 10.00am Ethnic Dance Rehearsal
- 4.30pm Semi Final - (Round 2), Miss & Mr. Borneo Ethnic, London Listing
Ethnic Dance Copetition 2016
Female: Champion of each female category earns the London Qualifier title.
Male : Top 2 of Mr. Sabah & Mr. Sarawak earns the London Qualifier title.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Program Details:
Registration & Closed Door Judging
1. Date: 12 May 2016 ( Thursday )
2. Time: 9.00am
3. Venue: Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
4. Dress Code: Full Ethnic Costume
Closed Door/Indoor Judging
Morning Session
Time : 10.00am-1.30pm
Miss Bidayuh, Miss Orang Ulu, Miss KadazanDusun, Miss Iban, Miss Sabah Open
Afternoon Session
Time : 2pm
Mr. Sarawak, Mr. Sabah
Photoshoot in full costume will be conducted for each session on first come first served basis for any available finalists while the rest are finishing up with make up or in evaluation session etc. Finalists are advised to plan photoshoot timing based on their assigned sequence.
1. Must wear full costume and make up/hair style depend on participants.
2. Indoor judging takes about 10-15 minutes each participants.
3. During closed door/indoor judging, questions will be based on your culture, food, costume etc.
Sample Questions
• Explain your ethnic costume and the significance in your community?
• What is the difference between ethnic costumes today compared to those many years ago?
• Why do these differences in ethnic costume and accessories occur between ancient times and today?
• What are the traditional ethnic cuisines that you can still find today?
• Elaborate the theme “CULTURE AND UNITY” based on your experience.
• How would you apply traditional ethnic rituals and performances in today's economy?
• How would you promote your culture and heritage beyond Borneo borders?
Note: The questions above serve only as general guidelines and the judges may rephrase and restructure the questions as they see fit. They may also ask further questions for additional elaboration.
4. It is advisable to bring proofs such as news report, research, picture etc.
5. The proofs can be obtained at library, internet etc.
6. Present your talent during indoor judging, such as singing, playing traditional music, ethnic poem recital, knowledge in ethnic rituals, traditional arts & crafts making, ethnic sports & games etc. Participants may have different levels of mastery in their talents and therefore, talent session will be brief and will not affect overall score. Knowing your talent may help us to invite you for other events which may be suitable for you.
7. Language can be Bahasa Malaysia, English or your native language.
8. Be confident when you speak & communicate your ideas to the panels of jury.
1. Date: 12/13/14 May 2016
2. Time: After Indoor judging, actual time will be advised during registration.
3. Venue: Main Auditorium, Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
1. Date: 13 May, 2016 ( Friday )
2. Time: 7.30pm
3. Venue: Aryan Restaurant, Jalan Raja Laut, Chow Kit KL (beside Quality Hotel)
4. Dress Code: Gala Night, Best Dressed
5. Fees: Pageant Finalists & Dancers : RM20
All other guests : RM 35
(Other guests include families, friends, personal assistants and general public)
6. Reservation and paid booking is necessary to confirm your table/seat. Unpaid reservation may result in seat/table unavailable.
7. Dateline : 10 Mei, 2016
Preliminary Round
Date : 14 May, 2016 ( Saturday )
Time : 4.30pm
Place : Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, Jalan Ampang, KL
1. Must wear full traditional costume with suitable footwear. No height required.
2. Hair and make up to participants' choice.
3. Must be at the hall by 4.00pm.
4. Each finalist is given 3 minutes to address the audience and jury from the stage.
5. Finalists script must be short and clear. Language options are Bahasa Malaysia/ English or native languages.
Typical script content:
Name :
Ethnic :
Village / Origin :
Occupation/Student :
Interesting fact about culture :
"Selamat petang para hakim dan hadirin sekalian. Nama saya Ricky anak James berasal dari Kampong Bungai, di pedalaman daerah Bau. Pejalanan ke kampung saya mengambil masa sekitar 1 jam dari bandar Kuching. Saya kini melanjutkan pelajaran peringkat ijazah sarjana muda di UNIMAS dalam bidang kesenian.
Pasti ramai kenal “Tuak” atau di Sabah dikenali sebagai “Lihing”. Minuman ini dihidangkan semasa menyambut tetamu. Malangnya kini minuman ini mengalami persepsi negatif kerana diminum secara berlebihan serta kurang mendapat tempat di kalangan generasi muda yang lebih menggemari minuman moden seperti wiski, beer atau wine. Satu kajian telah dijalankan di Universiti Malaysia Sabah dan di laporkan dalam JOURNAL OF TROPICAL BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, mendapati tapai yang diperbuat daripada beras biasa mempunyai tahap antioxidant yang tinggi. Ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa tuak, tapai atau lihing baik jika diminum dalam jumlah seimbang.
Sekian, terima kasih"
6. Top 3 of each ethnic category from Miss Iban, Miss Bidayuh, Miss Orang Ulu, Miss, Miss Sabah Open and top 4 of KadazanDusun, Mister Sarawak & Mister Sabah shall compete the next day to win for the GRAND FINAL in LONDON
7. Each winners of category will be given a question on Saturday to answer on Sunday.
8. Make-up artists, pageant assistants/managers or friends are not allowed to be behind stage once the events starts.
9. Finalists are not allowed to bring any musical instruments (i.e. sape, guitar, gong, sompoton etc.) since the setup and performance will require more than the allocated time of 3 minutes.
Date : 15 May, 2016
Time : 4.30pm
Place : Pusat Pelancongan Malaysia, Jalan Ampang, KL
1. Must wear any dress with some Borneo motif or with accessory.
2. Must be at the hall by 4.00pm
3. Each participants given 5 minutes to talk on the stage.
4. Must speak short and clear. Can speak in Bahasa Malaysia/ English or native language
5. The questions are given one day before.
6. Make-up artists, pageant assistants/managers or friends are not allowed to be behind the stage once the events starts.
7. Questions are based on real situations finalists encounter everyday with regards to culture and heritage both locally and internationally.
8. If a question relates to any talent, the finalist may present their talents as addition to their answers as long as the allocated time is not breached.
9. Finalists may wear their preferred shoes & heels. There is no limitation
10. London Finalists: One participant will be selected from each category; Miss Iban, Miss Bidayuh, Miss Orang Ulu, Miss Sabah Open and 2 from Mister Sarawak, Mister Sabah & Miss KadazanDusun.
1. The London Grand final is scheduled on 4th December 2016
2. All flight cost, food, hotel, insurance and local travel fees are covered by BHF.
3. Makeup artist, parents and friends can join the trip on their own cost (flight, accomodation, meals, local transport fees). We will give a special low rate to those keen to join us.
4. All London Qualifiers must sign a letter of agreement to join the trip. If they don’t sign and don’t agree with our T&C then we will offer the place to 2nd participant in line.
5. All London Qualifiers must bring their own traditional costume.
6. Grand Final in London will be conducted in English. Questions will be given early
7. Must able to do basic traditional performance such playing music, dance etc.
8. Make sure you can travel overseas without any problem with Malaysia government such as PTPTN loan etc.
***The organizer reserves the right make amendment if necessary.
CONTACT & Assistance:
• Dr. Laurence 0133920670
• Agustus Sapen 0162811631
• Gabriel Karl Wing 0166543869
• Munica 0166221760.
Borneo Hornbill Festival 2016 has begun and this year we are taking the grand final of Borneo Ethnic Pageant 2016 to London, United Kingdom!
The campaign continues after successful auditions in Sarawak, Sabah and Kuala Lumpur.
Briefing for hopefuls were conducted at each audition venues between 5th February till 20th February. Participants were able to get the big picture and every small details they needed to know prior to entering the pageant competition. We also conducted briefing for BHF Ethnic Dance Competition 2016 at each audition venues.
After the audition, the online voting campaign began 26 February 2016 to gauge the hopefuls' popularity and earn the top voted male and female an automatic spot in the finals. The rest of the candidates will be screened based on their performance during the auditions. Remember, we are looking for ambassador material. Those who know the basics of their ethnic heritage, who are in touch with their communities, show genuine passion & pride in their own culture and have good communication skills. Confidence is a bonus that will take them to the finals.
About one week after the online voting closes, at the end of March, the results will be announced, listing the finalists eligible to proceed to the semi final stage in Kuala Lumpur on 30th April and 1st May 2016.
As the winners of each category are announced on 1st May 2016, they will then be given assignments in their respective interest or fields, to be presented during the Grand Final in London, November 2016.
Yes, the winners of each categories, Miss Iban, Miss Bidayuh, Miss Orang Ulu, Miss KadazanDusun, Miss Sabah Open, Top 2 Mr. Sarawak and Top 2 Mr. Sabah are all going to London in November 2016.
So join us on this incredible journey as we uphold the fantastic culture and heritage of Borneo to the eyes of the world. Brush up on your communication skills and learn all you can about your own culture and heritage. Gain as much confidence as possible in the process and we shall see you in the semi final, Kuala Lumpur.
There is absolutely no time to waste!
London is calling!
Borneo Ethnic Pageant 2016 Terms & Conditions