Celebrating our 12th Anniversary with BHF 2020 in Sarawak, August 2020. #BHFPageant
Life After Borneo Hornbill Festival
Each year, the excitement builds up in the first quarter of the year as we begin the chapters of our annual Borneo Hornbill Festival. Work starts as early as December when we decide the planning and promotion approach for the event. Time frames are set and task must be accomplished by the stipulated time so the next job can be executed successfully in the chain of events leading to the finals.
By March, auditions would be in full swing and April is when the finalists are informed the results. At this point the finalists step up their effort in line with the aggressive promotions of the organizer to market the event in anticipation for the finals in June or July. This also gives them time to make all necessary travel arrangements and secure leaves from their day jobs.
Then before they know it, the big week arrives and they are brought together in Kuala Lumpur for rehearsals and final preparations.
It is during their rehearsals that we encourage them to be more than they can be and gain as much knowledge and confidence as they can to equip themselves for similar challenges in different circumstances. They are also reminded that although winning is a big thing, it is not everything.
Many of our finalists get to do great things even though they did not become champions. We always tell them that we merely provide the platform for them to shine. The rest is up to them to decide how bright they can shine and how long they can sustain to be on top.
With decisions come actions.
Furthermore, our long existence and extensive connections allow us to be in touch with many other culture related events and service providers. We often receive requests for services which involves our previous participants. In most cases, their participation rewards them in cash and kind. This is true for both our pageants and dancers. We believe in rewarding talents accordingly, therefore every arrangement we make with outside parties must reward our participants fairly and we only assign them the tasks after a mutual agreement and understanding is acheived.
Many have also benefited in modeling tasks and dance performance outside of Borneo Hornbill Festival. However, it is necessary to note that any dealings made without our knowledge bears the sole responsibility upon the participants and the third party.
Having said that, we maintain an open policy when it comes to getting our ex-participants involved in any future jobs. We always make it a point to publish the announcement on our communication network in facebook pages and groups. This gives equal opportunity for all to participate. To maintain a certain level of quality service for our clients, we do keep a record of good performance by each participants for future reference and selections. This means that whoever wishes to work with us must perform the first time and they can expect to be approved for future tasks.
We are happy to reveal that we are still in touch with many of our participants from our humble beginning in 2009.
So in case any of you are in doubt of taikng part in the audition, let me assure you that there is life after Borneo Hornbill Festival.
Everyone can be a winner. You just have to show up, show well and we'll show you the money.
Written by: Agustus